Online Author Interviews & Biographies

Atlantic Unbound: Books & Authors Index The Atlantic Monthly's online resource

Amazon: Recent Author Interviews The Amazon site has author interviews.

Authors - About.ComPreviously the Mining Company. Many author interviews.

Author Connectionfrom Randomhouse features: Authors on the Air Or, where to find writers on the radio, on TV, online & in print Authors on the Web Literary resources abound on the Web. This is the place to find out about official and fan sites for your favorite Random House authors and books. We've also linked to select articles and sites dedicated to particular books and writers. Author Spotlight and Authors on the Highway. Updated daily and includes last-minute author appearances.

Authors Online

Authors OnLine From Book Browser. Links to author's home pages.

Authors Speak On this site you will find interviews of authors about their books.

Authors On The WebLearn more about today's authors than the bios on their book flaps could ever tell you.  This site has it all:  author profiles, news, media appearances, and what's happening on some of your favorite author websites.

Beatrice Author interviews

Beyond the Cover Wondering if your favorite author has a web site?

Booklist Home PageFor more than 90 years, Booklist has been the librarian's leading choice for reviews of the latest books and (more recently) electronic media. Every year we review nearly 4,000 books for adults, more than 2,500 titles for children, more than 500 reference books and electronic reference tools, and 1,000 other audiovisual materials. We also publish a wide variety of feature articles including author interviews, bibliographies, book-related essays by well-known  writers, and a selection of columns.

Book Magazine  goes beyond book reviews to cover the whole world of books, from all angles. In BOOK, you'll read about authors at home and at work; publishing news, trends and issues; great bookstores; exciting literary locations; and technological developments affecting books. You'll find excerpts, essays and fiction by leading writers and new voices. And you'll get plenty of book reviews, too: more than 50 in every issue!

Booknotes: A Cyber Companion America's Finest Authors on Reading, Writing, and the Power of Ideas. Pick a featured author.

BookRadio: Audio interviews with authors Real Audio interviews

The Book Report's Author Interviews Where readers meet readers and readers meet writers. For reviews and excerpts of today's best books, interviews with your favorite writers, profiles of talented debut authors, editorial perspectives, etc.

BookSpot - The best of book reviews, book stores, reading lists and more.

BookWire  BookWire's content includes timely book industry news, features, reviews, guides to literary events, author interviews, thousands of annotated links to book-related sites, and more. For a detailed listing of what's inside BookWire, see BookWire Contents.

A Celebration of Women Writers The Celebration of Women Writers recognizes the contributions of women writers throughout history. Women have written almost every imaginable type of work: novels, poems, letters, biographies, travel books, religious commentaries, histories, economic and scientific works. Our goal is to promote awareness of the breadth and variety of women's writing.

Corwin's AuthorWeb Ever since the first proto-humans managed to attach meaning to some of their grunts, we have been story-tellers. We at the Last Exit to Babylon, in the spirit of the first scribes who ever set stylus to clay, bring to you this archive of our favorite authors. It's fully searchable,  and ever changing as we add more and more links.

CNN - Books News, interviews, reviews.

Authors at HarperCollins Publishers Author events, notes, bios, links to 772 author's web sites, links to book websites and author interviews.

The Internet Public Library:

From Alfred A. Knopf: The Borzoi Reader features interviews, audio files, book tour diaries, excerpts, personal essays and more.

The New York Times: Books Book reviews, bestsellers lists, first chapters, featured authors, reading groups and audio interviews.

The New York Review of Books With a national circulation of over 115,000, The New York Review of Books has established itself, in Esquire's words, as "the premier literary-intellectual magazine in the English language."

RealCities Real Books Books
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