The Beauregard Parish District Board met in Regular Session on Thursday, November 11, 2004 at 5:00 P.M.  The following board members were present:  Hollis Ray O'Neal, Chairman; Elton Pickering, Secretary-Treasurer: R.M. Simmons and Hugh Dubose.  Those absent were: Karl St. Romain, Wayne Hall, and Eugene Loftin.  Also present was John B. Jones, III, Airport Manager.

The meeting was opened by the Chairman who asked Mr. Pickering to give the invocation.  Mr. O'Neal then welcomed all those present and asked if there were any amendments to the agenda.

Mr. Jones said that he had one item to add which was renewal of the Fuel Purchasing Agreement between Dumont Air and the airport.  Mr. Jones told the board that there were two items on the agenda which would not be considered during the meeting. The first deletion was Election of Officers.  He stated that the board had elected officers in December 2003.  Since the officers serve for the two years 2004 and 2005 no election is necessary.  The second deletion was the bid advertisements for the 2005 timber sale.  Mr. Jones explained that Mr. Cooper, Forestry Advisor, would have that request at the December board meeting.  Mr. O'Neal asked if there was a motion to amend the agenda.  A motion was made by Mr. Pickering and seconded by Mr. Dubose to approve the amended agenda.  The motion passed unanimously.  The Dumont Fuel agreement was added as item 5 ½.

Mr. O'Neal then asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes.  There were none.  A motion was made by Mr. Pickering to approve the minutes as written and mailed.  Mr. Dubose offered the second and the minutes were unanimously approved.

The next item was the selection of an auditor for fiscal Year 2004.  Mr. Jones advised the board that John Albert Windham, CPA has performed the audit for the last several years and was willing to perform the one for 2004 if the board so desired.  Mr. O'Neal said that Mr. Windham had done an outstanding job on previous audits and had been of great assistance to the airport.  Mr. Pickering said that he also felt Mr. Windham had performed well.

Mr. Simmons then made a motion to engage Mr. John Albert Windham, CPA to perform the Fiscal Year 2004 Audit.  Mr. Pickering seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. O'Neal then asked Mr. Jones to address the board regarding the Dumont Air Fuel Agreement.  Mr. Jones explained that Dumont Air and the airport had an annual fuel purchasing agreement.  The basics of the agreement were that Dumont would purchase a minimum of 12,000 gallons of fuel during the year.  In exchange the airport would charge Dumont the actual airport cost per gallon plus .40¢.  Mr. Jones pointed out that Dumont had always exceeded the required minimum.  After a very brief discussion a motion was made by Mr. Dubose, seconded by Mr. Simmons to renew the agreement for another year with the same terms and conditions.  The motion was unanimously approved.

The next item was the proposed budget for 2005.  Mr. Jones pointed out that the budget had been sent to each board member prior to the meeting.  He stated that the budget was very similar to the 2004 budget.  There were significant amounts of revenue in the Federal and State Grants Items.  These were offset by like significant amounts in the expense column under “Improvements other than Buildings”.  Mr. Jones explained that these figures were in anticipation of funding for Proposed Taxiway E and would offset each other.  He also pointed out that the fuel sales as well as fuel costs were increased.  This was due to the fluctuating but increased cost of fuel and, therefore, sales of fuel.  He said he expected fuel prices to be constantly changing throughout the year.  There was a brief discussion after which Mr. Pickering moved for approval of the proposed budget.  Mr. Dubose made the second and the budget was unanimously approved.

Mr. O'Neal then moved to the resolution to set the meeting dates for 2005.  Mr. Jones explained that the resolution was to officially set and identify the first Thursday of each month for the monthly meeting.

The following resolution was offered by Mr. Simmons, and seconded by Mr. Pickering.

Resolution No. 03-04

Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Commissioners, Beauregard Parish Airport District #1, will be on the first Thursday of each month at 5:00 P.M. in the Beauregard Regional Airport Conference Room.  If there is a conflict with holiday the meeting will be re-scheduled to the second Thursday.  The specific monthly meeting dates for 2005 are:

   Thursday January 6, 2005

   Thursday February 3, 2005

   Thursday March 3, 2005

   Thursday April 7, 2005

   Thursday May 5, 2005

   Thursday June 2, 2005

   Thursday July 7, 2005

   Thursday August 4, 2005

   Thursday September 1, 2005

   Thursday October 6, 2005

   Thursday November 3, 2005

   Thursday December `, 2005

Yeas: Hollis Ray O'Neal, Elton Pickering, R.M. Simmons and Hugh Dubose.

Nays: None

Absent: Wayne Hall, Eugene Loftin and Karl St. Romain.

The next item was a resolution setting the official holidays for 2005.

The following resolution was offered by Mr. Simmons, and seconded by Mr. Pickering.

Resolution No. 04-04

Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Beauregard Regional Airport Holidays for 2005 are:

There will be seven (7) set and three (3) optional holidays.

   Three (3) Optional Holidays Chosen by Employee

   New Years Day Monday January 3, 2005

   Memorial Day  Monday May 30, 2005

   Independence Day Monday July 4, 2005

   Labor Day  Monday September 5, 2005

   Thanksgiving   Thursday/Friday November 25/26, 2005

   Christmas Day  Monday December 26, 2005

   *Close on December 25, 2005

Actual holidays for each employee may be adjusted to provide continuous airport operation and provide fairness to each employee.

Yeas: Hollis Ray O'Neal, Elton Pickering, R.M. Simmons and Hugh Dubose

Nays: None

Absent: Eugene Loftin, Wayne Hall and Karl St. Romain.

There being no further business, Mr. Pickering made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Dubose seconded the motion which as unanimously approved.


Hollis Ray O'Neal, Chairman


Elton Pickering, Secretary/Treasurer