The Beauregard Parish Airport District met in Regular Session on Thursday, May 1, 2003 at 5:00 P.M.  The following Board Members were present:  Hollis Ray O'Neal, Chairman; Elton Pickering, Secretary/Treasurer; R.M. Simmons, John Sandlin, Eugene Loftin, and Karl St. Romain. Absent was: Wayne Hall.  Also present were John B. Jones, III, Airport Manager; Lee Lancon, Lancon Engineers, Inc.; John Lowery, Lancon Engineers, Inc.; and Tom Harris.

The meeting was duly convened by Mr. O'Neal, Chairman.

The invocation was given by Mr. Tom Harris.

Mr. O'Neal opened the meeting and welcomed all those present.

Mr. O'Neal then asked if there were any amendments to the agenda.  Mr. Jones said he had two items he would like to add.  The first was renewal of the hunting lease with the Beauregard Parish Airport Sportsman's Association.  The second was to discuss an aviation related military display item for the airport.  There were no other amendments to the agenda.  Mr. Pickering made a motion, seconded by Mr. Sandlin to amend the agenda by adding “Hunting Club Lease Renewal” as item 3 under Grounds and Maintenance and “Equipment Display” as item 1 under Public Relations.  The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. O'Neal then asked if there were any corrections to the minutes.  There were no corrections to the minutes.  Mr. Sandlin made a motion to approve the minutes.  Mr. Pickering offered a second and the minutes were unanimously approved.

The first item of business was a report on the proposed Nature Trail.  Mr. O'Neal recognized Mr. Tom Harris for the report and discussion.  Mr. Harris told the board that the historical marker commemorating the Grabow Riot of 1912 had been dedicated and was in place.  He said that originally the citizens Group that had met with the board planned for three projects.  One was the historical marker, one was a Nature Trail, and one was a Walking path.  The first goal was the historical marker and is done. The next one will be the Nature Trail.  He said he had received the information furnished by the airport attorney regarding the liability issurance.  Since state statutes do offer liability protection when public property is used for recreational purposes, Mr. Harris asked permission from the board to proceed with development of a trail to begin at the historical marker and include the remains of the World War II swimming pool.  There was a lengthy discussion during which interest was shown by all those present.  A motion was   made  by  Mr. Pickering,  seconded  by Mr. Simmons to authorize development of a

trail, at no expense to the airport, with periodic reports on progress to the airport board.  The motion was unanimously adopted.

Mr. Harris also reminded the board that on Saturday May 3, 2003, the 10th Annual Birding Field Day would be conducted at the airport.  He said this would attract 30 to 40 individuals.

The next item of business was a report by Mr. Lancon, Airport Engineer, on the status of airport projects.  Mr. Lancon then asked his associate, Mr. Lowery, to brief the board on the ODAL lighting installation.  Mr. Lowery told the board that the project was progressing very well and was over 50% completed.  He outlined the work already done and what remained to be done.  He estimated that the project would be complete in a week and a half.  In answer to a question from Mr. O'Neal he said that once completed the system would have to be officially commissioned by Mr. Taylor, Aviation Division, LaDOTD. No action was requested or taken by the board on this project.

Mr. Lancon said that the new Airport Layout Plan was almost complete.  The main part not complete, was the property map.  In checking at the courthouse, he said that were were Avigation Easements found which needed to be reviewed.  The easements were from the 1940's and may need to be included on the property map.  He was checking to see if their exclusion was required. There was a brief discussion.  No action was required or taken by the board on the Airport Layout Plan.

Mr. O'Neal then asked Mr. Jones to address the board regarding the hunting club lease.  Mr. Jones informed the board that the Beauregard Parish Airport Sportsman's Association hunting lease was up for renewal in July.  He pointed out that there was a letter from the club in each directors folder.  The letter detailed the activities of the club and accomplishments made on their club work days.  He also mentioned that he had been contacted regarding the large amount of trash being dumped on trails going into the woods from the main road.  The club members were going to clean up the trash and place earthen birms across the trails.  Mr. Jones expressed his appreciation for the efforts being made by the club members and recommended renewal of the hunting lease.  After a short discussion a motion was made by Mr. Simmons to renew the lease with the condition that the immediate area of the nature trail be excluded.  Mr. St. Romain seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

The last item on the agenda was to discuss equipment for display at the airport.  Mr. O'Neal asked Mr. Jones to open the discussion.  Mr. Jones said that he had been asked on numerous occasions about the possibility of obtaining some type of surplus items, namely an airplane, to put in place as a permanent display on the airport grounds.  He suggested that Mr. Sandlin, Chairman of Public Relations would be the ideal choice to initiate this project.  Mr. Sandlin expressed his interest and willingness to assume the project.  After a brief discussion a motion was made by Mr. Pickering and seconded by Mr. Loftin to authorize Mr. Sandlin to proceed with efforts to obtain an aviation related display.  The motion passed unanimously.

There being no further business, a motion was made by, Mr. Pickering to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Sandlin and passed unanimously.


Hollis Ray O'Neal, Chairman


Elton Pickering, Secretary/Treasurer