The Beauregard Parish Airport District Board met in Regular Session on Thursday, July 1, 2004 at 5:00 P.M.  The following board members were present: Hollis Ray O'Neal, Chairman; Hugh DuBose, Eugene Loftin, Karl St. Romain and Wayne Hall.  Those absent were:  R.M. Simmons and Elton Pickering, Sec./Treas.  Also present were: John B. Jones, III, Airport Manager; Lee Lancon, Engineer and Mike Harper, Police Juror.

Mr. O'Neal opened the meeting by asking Mr. Loftin to give the invocation.

Mr. O'Neal then welcomed all those present to the July, 2004 board meeting.  He extended a special welcome to Mr. Hugh DuBose who was attending his first meeting as a member of the board.

Mr. O'Neal then asked if there were any amendments to the agenda.  There were no amendments requested.

Mr. O'Neal then addressed the first item of business which was approval of the minutes of the June 3, 2004 Board Meeting.  He asked if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes as written and mailed.  There being no corrections or additions, Mr. Hall made a motion to accept the minutes as written and mailed.  Mr. Loftin offered the second and the motion was unanimously approved.

Mr. O'Neal then recognized Mr. Lee Lancon, Engineering Consultant for the airport.  Mr. O'Neal asked Mr. Lancon to make the project status report listed as Item A under Grounds and Maintenance.  Mr. Lancon first addressed the Taxiway A and B Construction Project.  He said that very little work had been done so far due to the record breaking rainfalls and wet soil conditions.  He said that there were no outstanding issues and the first contractor pay request has been submitted for payment.  He said that a rain day record and summary will be prepared and maintained.  Mr. Loftin asked how long was the contract period on the project.  Mr. Lancon replied that the base contract was six months and that the addition of Alternate A had added another thirty days.

Mr. Lancon then discussed the Taxiway E Construction Project.  He said that the plans for Taxiway E were completed and drawn up.  To date grant funds have only been approved for the Engineering phase of this project.  The total projected costs, including engineering, are $836,262.00.  He explained that construction funding would have to be obtained under a separate grant.  The paperwork for that grant application have already been accepted and approved.

There was a lengthy discussion.  During the discussion it was agreed that for this project a Displaced Threshold of  800' would be more appropriate than closing the runway.  There was no board action required on this project at this time.

The next item was a report on land clearing.  Mr. O'Neal pointed out that the individual who was to submit info on the land clearing was not present.  Therefore the report would be postponed to a later date.

Mr. O'Neal then asked the airport manager, Mr. Jones, to make the self-service report.  Mr. Jones told the board members that, as explained previously, literature and/or prices had been obtained from three self-service equipment vendors.  However, of those three, only one accepted BP and AVCARD credit cards.  Since BP was the airport fuel supplier and AVCARD was used by the Military customers, their acceptance was mandatory.  Both cards were included in the equipment package from applied technology and accepted by their unit.  Mr. Jones said that a current quote had been received from Applied Technology.  The quote was for a total of $8,866.00.  This included the price of the M3000 Basic System, on-site commissioning, and deducted the discount available to BP customers.  Mr. Jones recommended that the airport purchase the quoted equipment from Applied Technology and to solicit quotes on installation after the equipment was on-site.  He said that since this action had been previously approved he would issue the purchase order if there were no objections.  There were none.

The last item of business was to discuss the purchase of a rock and debris sweeper.  Mr. Jones told the board that the airport had an annual state safety inspection in May.  One of the items written up on the inspection was the presence of rocks and debris on the runway. He said that there was a definite problem on Runway 18-36 where old flaking asphalt on abandoned runways was a constant safety threat.  He also pointed out that the apron had the same problem due to flaking of the concrete and breakage at the joints.  Mr. Jones said that the Police Jury had been very helpful by letting the airport use their sweeper.  However, their sweeper would only sweep and would not pick up rocks and debris.  He requested permission from the board to obtain quotes and purchase a sweeper.  He estimated the basic cost to be less than $7,000.  If side brooms and a magnetic bar were added the total cost would be between $9,000 and $10,000.  There was a brief discussion after which a motion was made by Mr. Hall to authorize the purchase of a sweeper.  A second was offered by Mr. St. Romain and the motion was unanimously approved.

There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made by Mr. St. Romain and seconded by Mr. Hall.  The motion was unanimously approved.


Hollis Ray O'Neal, Chairman


Elton Pickering, Secretary/Treasurer