The Beauregard Parish Airport District Board met in Regular Session on Thursday, February 6, 2003 at 5:00 P.M.  The following Board Members were present: Hollis Ray O'Neal, Chairman; Elton Pickering, Secretary/Treasurer; John Sandlin and R.M. Simmons. Those absent were:  Karl St. Romain, Wayne Hall and Eugene Loftin.  Also present were:  John B. Jones, III, Airport Manager; Lee Lancon, Engineering Consultant; Tom Harris and Tom McCaig, Historical and Nature Trail Committee.

The meeting was duly convened by Mr. O'Neal, Chairman.

The invocation was given by Mr. Sandlin.

Mr. O'Neal opened the meeting and welcomed all those present.

Mr. O'Neal then asked if there were any amendments to the agenda.  Mr. Jones requested the addition of three items to the agenda.

  1. Open ODAL bids - item 4 ½.
  2. Discuss Hay agreement - item G under Grounds and Maintenance.
  3. Discuss Airport name - item A under Public Relations.

A motion was made by Mr. Pickering to amend the agenda as requested.  Mr. Sandlin seconded the motion which was unanimously passed.

The first item of business was to approve the minutes of the Regular January 2, 2003 and Special Meeting, January 14, 2003. Mr. O'Neal asked if there were any corrections or changes to the minutes.  There were none.  Mr. Sandlin made a motion to approve the minutes as written.  Mr. Simmons offered the second and the motion was unanimously passed.

Mr. O'Neal stated that the next item was opening bids for the ODAL installation.  He asked the airport engineer, Mr. Lancon, to open and read the bids.  Mr. Lancon said that three bids had been received.  He then opened and read them as follows:

  1. Ducote Electric of Louisiana - When opened there was no bid bond included. Therefore, the bid did not qualify and was not read.
  2. Sulphur Electric Co., Inc.

   Base Bid     $49,500.00

      Deduct Alternate #1 Price                             700.00

      Base Bid less Alternate #1     $48,800.00

  1. Kaough & Jones Electric Co., Inc.

  Base Bid     $26,737.00

Deduct Alternate #1 Price               1,000.00

Base Bid less deduct Alternate #1 $25,737.00


Mr. Lancon said that the low bid by Kaough & Jones Electric Co., Inc. was in proper order and he recommended acceptance of the bid.  After a brief discussion Mr. Pickering made a motion to accept the base bid of Kaough & Jones Electric Co., Inc. of $26,737.00. Mr. Sandlin seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. O'Neal then recognized Mr. Tim Harris and Mr. Tom McCaig to brief the board regarding the Walking/Nature Trail projects.  Mr. Harris, told the board members that the historical marker to designate the site of the Galloway Sawmill and Graybow riot had been received.  The marker would be placed inside the security fence near the junction of Graybow Road and the Timber Rock Railroad if approved by the airport.  There would be a ceremony on April 5, 2003 to install and dedicate the marker.

Mr. Harris said that there was interest in developing a primitive nature trail which would originate near the marker and go to the general area of the old military swimming pool and then back to the marker.  There was also interest in establishing a walking/jogging trail which would, basically, go along the borders of the Country Club.  Mr. Harris said that there have been initial contacts made with the Boy Scouts to obtain help in maintaining the trails and also DOTD regarding the use of the state right-of-way.  He told the board that what the group was asking for at this time was support in proceeding with initial project plans and also asking that efforts be made to preserve remaining features of the old DeRidder Army Air Base as much as possible. This would especially apply to old abandoned taxiways and WWII aircraft parking areas.  Mr. Sandlin asked about the liability of the airport for accidents occurring on these recreational projects.  Mr. Harris responded that he was sure that state legislation had been enacted to provide liability protection.  He said he would check into this and would consult with Mr. Lestage, the airport attorney.  After a lengthy discussion a motion was made by Mr. Simmons to support these efforts and encourage them to proceed with their plans which should be presented to the board for approval as they are developed.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Sandlin and unanimously passed.

The next item was a discussion on a Timber Access Road.  However, Mr. O'Neal, pointed out that since Mr. Cooper, Forestry Consultant, was not present no discussion was necessary at this time.

Mr. O'Neal stated that Mr. Mike Saupp, FAA Program Manager and Mr. Phil Jones, State  Program Manager had visited the airport to discuss airport priorities and construction of a parallel taxiway in particular.  He said the taxiway project had been in planning stages for several years and was now finally listed as item 4 on the state priority listing.  He informed the board members that the priority program would be presented to the Joint Transportation Committee of the Legislature on February 25, 2003.  He strongly encouraged board members to attend and show support for the priority program.  Mr. O'Neal also pointed out that both Mr. Saupp and Mr. Jones had strongly recommended that the airport authorize development of a DBE program.  The program would be required prior to the taxiway project.  The cost of the program would be approximately $10,000.00 and is eligible for Federal reimbursement.  After a short discussion a motion was made by Mr. Pickering, seconded by Mr. Sandlin to authorize Mr. Lancon to proceed with developing the DBE program.  The motion passed unanimously.

The next item to be discussed was the hay agreement.  Mr. Jones advised the board of complaints regarding hay stored at the airport.  He also mentioned that state and federal inspectors had advised him of hay located too near the runways and had recommended prompt removal of all hay from the airport.  After a brief discussion Mr. Simmons made a motion that all hay be entirely removed from the airport within 10 days after it is baled.  Mr. Sandlin seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. O'Neal stated that the next item was discussion of a maintenance contract/agreement for the Localizer, NDB, and AWOS.  Mr. Jones stated that at present the airport has a contract with Mr. Merryman on maintenance of the Localizer and NDB. However, the new AWOS III system would be installed this year and would also require a Certified Maintenance Technician.  Mr. Jones stated he felt it would be more reasonable and practical for one certified technician to service all the NAVIDS.  He asked for approval to solicit bids for all the systems.  A motion was made by Mr. Sandlin, seconded by Mr. Pickering, for Mr. Jones to request bids for a maintenance contract/agreement for all NAVAIDS equipment.  The motion passed unanimously.

The last item of business was to discuss changing the airport name.  Mr. Jones told the board that under the state DOTD classification the airport was now classified as a General Aviation Regional Airport.  The classification was based on meeting certain specific requirements and having certain physical and/or navigational features.  Mr. Jones also said that both state and federal officials had suggested the change.  He, therefore, recommended the board approve a name change to Beauregard Regional Airport and to request Police Jury approval for the change. A motion was then made by  Mr. Pickering, seconded by Mr. Simmons to officially change the name to Beauregard Regional Airport and request Police Jury approval of the name change.  The motion  passed unanimously.

There being no further business  Mr. Pickering made a motion to adjourn.  The second was seconded by Mr. Sandlin and passed unanimously.


Hollis Ray O'Neal, Chairman


Elton Pickering, Secretary/Treasurer