The Beauregard Airport District Board met in Regular Session on Thursday, December 4, 2003 at 5:00 P.M.  The following Board Members were present:  Hollis Ray O'Neal, Chairman; Elton Pickering, Secretary/Treasurer; Eugene Loftin, Wayne Hall, Karl St. Romain and R.M. Simmons.  Those absent were: John Sandlin.  Also present were: John B. Jones, III, Airport Manager; Lee Lancon, Engineering Consultant and Mike Nothnagel, Beauregard Parish Police Jury.

Mr. O'Neal opened the meeting by asking Mr. Pickering to give the invocation.

Mr. O'Neal then welcomed all those present to the last board meeting of 2003 and asked if there were any amendments to the agenda.  Mr. Jones said that he had one amendment request.  That was for the board to appoint a “Records Management Liaison Officer”.  Mr. Jones said this was in response to a request from the Secretary of State's Office.  There being no other amendments a motion was made by Mr. Pickering, seconded by Mr. Loftin to add the amendment as item B under Personnel.  The motion was unanimously approved.

The next item was approval of the minutes of the November 6, 2003 meeting.  Mr. O'Neal asked if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes.  There were none.  A motion was made by Mr. Hall to approve the minutes as written and mailed.  Mr. Loftin offered a second to the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. O'Neal then moved to the next item which was selection of an auditor for Fiscal Year 2003.  Mr. Jones said that he had spoken to Mr. John Albert Windham who was agreeable to performing the audit for the same amount as for the past seven years -- $3,800.00.  Mr. Simmons made a motion to engage Mr. Windham as FY 2003 auditor.  Mr. Loftin offered the second and the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. O'Neal then moved to the next item which was a resolution setting the meeting dates for 2004.

The following resolution was offered by Mr. Pickering, and seconded by Mr. Loftin.

Resolution No. 05-03

Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the regular monthly meetings of the Board of Commissioners, Beauregard Parish Airport District #1, will be on the first Thursday of each month at 5:00 P.M. in the Beauregard Regional Airport Conference Room.  If there is a conflict with a holiday the meeting will be re-scheduled to the second Thursday.  The specific monthly meeting dates for 2004 are:

Thursday January 1, 2003 re-scheduled to January 8, 2004

Thursday February 5, 2004

Thursday March 4, 2004

Thursday April 1, 2004

Thursday May 6, 2004

Thursday June 3, 2004

Thursday July 1, 2004

Thursday August 5, 2004

Thursday September 2, 2004

Thursday October 7, 2004

Thursday November 4, 2004

Thursday December 2, 2004

Yeas:  Hollis Ray O'Neal, Elton Pickering, Wayne Hall, Eugene Loftin,

R.M. simmons and Karl St. Romain. 

Nays: None

Absent: John Sandlin

The next item was approval of a resolution setting the official holidays of 2004.

The following resolution was offered by Mr. Hall, and seconded by Mr. Simmons.

Resolution No. 06-03

Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the Beauregard Regional Holidays for 2004 are:

Three(3) Optional Holidays   Chosen by Employee

New Years Day    Thursday January 1, 2004

Memorial Day     Monday May 31, 2004

Independence Day    Monday July 5, 2004

Labor Day     Monday September 6, 2004

Thanksgiving     Thursday/Friday Nov. 25/26, 2004

Christmas     Friday December 24, 2004

*Airport closed Saturday December 25, 2004

Actual holiday for each employee may be adjusted to provide continuous airport operation and provide fairness to each employee.

YEAS: Hollis Ray O'Neal, Elton Pickering, Wayne Hall, Eugene Loftin,

   R.M. Simmons and Karl St. Romain.

NAYS: None

Absent: John Sandlin

Mr. O'Neal then recognized Mr. Lee Lancon to open the bids on Construction of Taxiway A and B (AIP # 3-22-0015-009-2003; SPN 906-01-0017).  Mr. Lancon passed out bid tabulation forms to the board.  He said that three bids had been received.  Those three were Apeck Construction, Inc.; James Construction Group, LLC; and Cypress General Contractors, Inc.  He then opened the bids which were as follows:

Apeck Construction, Inc. 

Base Bid   $719,053.62

Alt. # 1   $324,349.48

Alt. # 2   $189,274.76

Alt. # 3   $110,403.90

James Construction Group, LLC

Base Bid   $933,750.27

Alt. # 1   $368,413.79

Alt. # 2   $182,091.69

Alt. # 3   $134,764.90

Cypress General Constractors, Inc.

Base Bid   $994,936.45

Alt. # 1   $419,582.60

Alt. # 2   $212,066.95

Alt. # 3   $138,228.00

After a short discussion Mr. Pickering made a motion to take the bids submitted under advisement, have the engineer analyze the bids, report the results to the FAA and LaDOTD, and bring a recommendation back to the board for action at the January 2004 meeting.  Mr. Simmons seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

The next item was Timber Sale discussion.  Mr. Jones advised the board the Mr. Cooper was unable to attend the meeting but had been by to discuss the 2004 timber sale.  Mr. Cooper would be at the January 2004 meeting to discuss and make recommendations for the 2004 sale.

The first item under Personnel was the election of officers for 2004 and 2005.  A motion was made by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Simmons to re-elect Mr. O'Neal as President and Mr. Pickering as Secretary-Treasurer.  The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. O'Neal then asked Mr. Jones to discuss the Records Management Liaison Designation requested by the Secretary of State.  Mr. Jones explained that LRS 44:411 required all state agencies to comply with revised statutes regarding maintenance and preservation of public records.  The Secretary of State was requesting that each agency designate a Records Management Officer Liaison.  Once that is done the Secretary of State will send training material and information on implementing provisions of the statutes.  After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Simmons and seconded by Mr. Loftin to so designate the airport manager, Mr. Jones. The motion passed unanimously.

There being no further business a motion was made by Mr. Pickering to adjourn.  Mr. Hall made the second to the motion which passed unanimously.


Hollis Ray O'Neal, Chairman


Elton Pickering, Secretary/Treasurer