The Beauregard Parish Airport District Board met in Regular Session on Thursday, June 30, 2005 at 5:00 P.M. The following board members were present: Hollis Ray O’Neal, Chairman; Eugene Loftin, Hugh DuBose and R.M. Simmons. Absent were: Elton Pickering, Secretary/Treasurer; Wayne Hall and Karl St. Romain. Also present were: Tim Cooper, Timber consultant; Lee Lancon, Lancon Engineers and John B. Jones, III Airport Manager.

Mr. O’Neal opened the meeting by asking Mr. Loftin to give the invocation. After the invocation Mr. O’Neal welcomed all those present to the July board meeting. He reminded everyone that the meeting had been originally scheduled for July 7. However, due to a conflict the board had moved the meeting up one week to June 30, 2005.

Mr. O’Neal then asked if there were any amendments to the agenda. There were no amendments requested.

Mr. O’Neal then moved to the approval of the minutes of the June 2, 2005 meeting and asked if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes. There were none. Mr. DuBose then made a motion to accept the minutes as written and mailed. Mr. Loftin offered the second and the motion was unanimously approved.

Mr. O’Neal then recognized Mr. John A. Windham, CPA, and asked that he review the Fiscal Year 2004 Audit findings for the board. Mr. Windham told the board that the audit was very similar to the previous several years. He said he had given the airport audit an Unqualified Opinion, which is the most favorable result he can give. He reviewed the audit on a page by page basis. He pointed out that there was a depreciation total of $176,000 which, even though only a paper figure, did reflect in financial records. He said that a more realistic and important consideration was that the airport once again had a positive cash flow. Mr. Windham told the board that it is good any time a public service entity can break even. He said that it had not been necessary to perform a federal audit since the federal funds received had fallen below the federal limit. Therefore, his fee for the audit had been adjusted and reduced accordingly. He also emphasized that action taken by the board in 2004 regarding vacation and sick leave had eliminated over $19,000 of liabilities. After a brief discussion, Mr. O’Neal and other board members thanked Mr. Windham.

The next agenda item was a request to postpone the November meeting from November 3, 2005 until November 10, 2005. Mr. O’Neal explained that Mr. Jones, Airport Manager, was asking for vacation time the first week of November and was requesting the November meeting be postponed until the second week. A motion was made by Mr. Simmons and seconded by Mr. Dubose. The motion to move the meeting to November 10, 2005 was unanimously approved.

Mr. O’Neal ten addressed the next item which as a report on current construction projects. He introduced Mr. Lancon, Consulting Engineer, and asked him to give the report. Mr. Lancon began by reporting that the project to Construct Taxiway A& B was completed save for minor items. The lights at the taxiway function were not connected but should be connected by Wednesday July 6, 2005. When that is done Taxiway B will be ready to open. Mr. Lancon did express concern with the seeding which has not sprouted. This was due to lack of rain. He said that the contractor was responsible for a stand of grass. Mr. Lancon did recommend that the board accept the project as complete. After a brief discussion a motion was made by Mr. Loftin to accept the project. Mr. DuBose offered a second and the motion was unanimously approved.

Mr. Lancon then furnished the board members with a spreadsheet recap of the project to Construct Taxiway A & B. The recap showed the original contract expenditures item by item, each plan changed which occurred, and the final cost figures. It then showed the anticipated cost to finish Taxiway A and why it would cost more than originally anticipated to reach completion. There was a lengthy discussion. After the discussion it was agreed that the same information would need to be furnished to Mrs. Davis, FAA so that she would be able to understand also.

Mr. Lancon then turned the discussion to the project to Reconstruct Taxiway E. The board had a lengthy discussion regarding what action should be taken when construction took place on Runway 18/35. Specifically, the discussion compared two options – partial closure of Runway 18/36 or total closure of Runway 18/36 – during the period. A partial closure would allow 18/36 to remain in use. However, the cost to provide the necessary markings and lighting would be approximately $10,000. The second option – closing Runway 18/36 would not incur any additional expense but would affect airport traffic and fuel sales. Either type of closure would only be for a probable initial two week period and then one other period of a week to ten days. After comparing both options in depth it was agreed that the best route would be a complete runway closure during the specified periods. This would provide the necessary safety considerations. Mr. Jones, Airport Manager said that he favored the complete closure option. Mr. O’Neal and Mr. Loftin also felt this was the correct way to proceed. No action was necessary since the airport manager will provide the appropriate NOTAMS and the contractor will provide the markings.

The last item on the agenda was to discuss an additional timber sale. Mr. Jones said the he had asked Mr. Cooper, the Airport Forestry Consultant to attend. Mr. Jones reminded the board that there were several projects being planned that would require additional revenue. Among these was the construction of a handicapped accessible restroom on the east side of the hangar, installation of self-service equipment, and acquisition of a sweeper for the ramp/runways. He also reviewed large expenditures already made from airport funds. They included the three percent airport participation in the Taxiway A & B Project, acquisition of self-service equipment, reduction of vacation/sick leave liability, and payment on the new hangar. After a short discussion Mr. Cooper was asked to evaluate areas ready to cut and present options to the board at the next meeting.

There being no further business a motion was made by Mr. Loftin and seconded by Mr. DuBose to adjourn. The motion was unanimously approved.

Hollis Ray O’Neal, Chairman

Elton Pickering, Secretary/Treasurer