The Beauregard Parish Airport District met in Regular Session on Thursday, August 2, 2007 at 5:00 P.M. The following board members were present: Hollis Ray O’Neal, Chairman; Elton Pickering, Secretary/Treasurer; Hugh DuBose, Wayne Hall, R.M. Simmons and Eugene Loftin. Absent was Karl St. Romain. Also Present Glenn Mears, Beauregard Parish Homeland Security and Emergence Response; Bobbie Hennegan, LaDotd, John Albert Windham, CPA, and John B. Jones, III, Airport Manager.

Mr. O’Neal opened the meeting and asked Mr. Pickering to give the invocation. Mr. O’Neal then welcomed all those present to the August, 2007 Airport Board Meeting.

Mr. O’Neal asked if there were any amendments to the agenda. Mr. Jones, Airport Manager, said that he had none. There being no amendments the agenda remained as published.

The Chairman then moved on to the approval of the minutes of the June 7, 2007 meeting. There had been no meeting in July. He asked if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes. There were none. A motion was then made by Mr. Pickering to approve the minutes as written and mailed. Mr. Simmons offered the second and the minutes were unanimously approved as written and mailed.

Mr. O’Neal then recognized and introduced Mr. Glenn Mears. Deputy Mears serves as Director of the Homeland Security and Emergency Response Office for Beauregard Parish. Deputy Mears addressed the board regarding efforts to establish a Resource Center for the parish or, possibly, the region, to be in place and ready for a disaster. He told the board that the center would utilize facilities offered by Boise Cascade at the mill and facilities at the Beauregard Regional Airport. Whether or not the center would be just a parish operation or a regional effort would depend on interest shown by the other Southwest Louisiana Parishes. State participation would, likewise, depend on state planning. Plans to establish a local parish center would proceed regardless of any other participation. The airport would play a key role in that it would be the receiving point for supplies and materials being brought in by air. The airport could also be used for equipment pre-placement/storage and for fuel tank placement. To be an effective part of this effort. Mr. Mears said that there were some improvements that would be necessary. Two of these were a back-up generator to operate the terminal building during power outages and a tie in to the emergency communications system. These are items being coodinated by his office and the airport. There was a lengthy discussion. No action was requested by Deputy Mears or required at this time. The board members did express complete support for the center.

Chairman O’Neal then recognized and introduced Mr. Bobby Hennigan, District Engineer Administrator, Lake Charles District, LaDOTD. Mr. Hennigan told the board members that he was present to respond to a resolution recently approved by the board and sent to the LaDOTD. The resolution was a request for funding to complete the hard surfacing of Old Airport Road from U.S. 190 to Graybow Road. Mr. Hennigan wanted the board to know that the resolution had been received and had been reviewed by LaDOTD. However, Mr. Hennigan pointed out that this was not a project that the LaDOTD could consider. He explained that it was not a matter of whether the project was worthy and would be of benefit. Rather it was a matter of available funds and their applicable uses. The LaDOTD was already using all funds available on state projects and had a considerable backlog. In addition the state funds were to be used on state projects and the state highway system. The request by the airport was for a local project on a non-state road. There was a lengthy discussion after which the board members expressed their sincere appreciation to Mr. Hennigan for his willingness to take the time to personally visit with them.

The next item was a request from Mr. Bruce Carroll to lease property from the airport. The item was moved up on the agenda with no objections. Mr. John Auzenne was recognized and told the board that he was at the meeting to represent Mr. Carroll who was out of town. He told the board that Mr. Carroll wished to lease five acres along Old Airport Road and directly behind the property leased by Russell Williams. The property would be used to operate an automobile salvage yard with a privacy fence. During the discussion it was agreed that applicable state statutes would have to be met satisfied relating to salvage yard operations and disposal facilities for fuel/oil. Mr. Simmons expressed concern regarding hazardous materials and said that they must be handled in the appropriate manner. Mr. DuBose also expressed concern about hazarous materials and said that the handling be in accordance with DEQ and state requirements. There was a lengthy discussion. A motion was then made by Mr. Simmons to approve leasing the property for $35/acre/month. The initial lease would be for a 10 year period with 2, 10 year renewal options. The lease would require $50,000 in permanent improvements within the first five years. All permanent improvements would become property of the airport at termination of the lease. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously approved.

The next item of business was a report on the 2006 annual audit. Mr. O’Neal recognized Mr. John Albert Windham, CPA and Airport Auditor. Mr. Windham furnished each member with a copy of the 2006 audit report. Mr. Windham told the board that he had completed the annual finance and compliance audit. Mr. Windham said that he had given an unqualified opinion which is the best result that can be given. He reminded the board that depreciation expenses was an accounting expenses, not an actual cash expense. He said that the airport actually had a gain of $81,370.00 in net cash provided by operating activitites. In summary, Mr. Windham said that there were no irregularities or misuse of funds and that the airport was in compliance with all federal and state laws. There was a brief discussion after which the members thanked Mr. Windham for his report.

Mr. O’Neal then gave a report on a planned Fly-In/Car Show to be held at the airport. He explained that the local EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) which has members from East Texas and West Louisiana is planning to have a combined Fly-In/Car Show on Saturday November 10, 2007. The show would feature aircraft and classic cars. There would also be concessions and various entertainment features. Proceeds raised would be used to send young people who are interested in aviation to Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Free airplane rides would be available for the young people who might be interested in joining the Young Eagles Club. The EAA Chapter would be doing most of the work with assistance from the airport. Some items the airport would furnish would be gate control, port-o-pots, advertising, and trash containers. The airport would also offer a discounted fuel price. After a lengthy discussion Mr. Loftin made a motion to approve the airport use and participation in the event. Mr. Hall offered the second and the motion was unanimously approved.

Mr. O’Neal then asked Mr. Jones about the next item which was hangar repair approval. Mr. Jones said that there were still damages to the main hangar from Hurricane Rita. After spending many months trying to get quotes and commitments to perform the repairs, an estimate had been received from Apeck Construction Co. The estimate was to replace both the transparent and opaque panels that were blown off during the storm, repair/anchor the refueler canopy, repair/remove damaged spouts/gutters and install rain deflectors over the doors on the east side. The estimated cost was $6,623.10. Mr. Jones asked for approval for the work. A motion to approve was made by Mr. Hall and seconded by Mr. Loftin. The motion passed unanimously.

The next item was to approve advertising for a Consultant Engineer and the appointment of a selection committee for the engineer. After a brief discussion, Mr. Hall made a motion to approve advertising for an engineer. Mr. Loftin seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. Mr. O’Neal then appointed the following members to the selection committee:

Hollis Ray O’Neal

Hugh DuBose

R.M. Simmons

The last item on the agenda was the approval of the FAA grant offer pertaining to taxiway A. Mr. Jones told the board that even though the project “Completion of Taxiway A – Phase II” had been dissaproved due to the FAA excessive bids, there had been expenditures prior to bid opening. These expenses had added up to $51,974.00. Since these expenses were eligible for reimbursement an application had been submitted to the FAA for a 95% federal reimbursement. The airport had received an FAA Grant offer for $49,376.00 which was 95% of the expenses. He said the board needed to approve/accept the grant and to authorize Mr. O’Neal to sign all necessary documents.

Upon a motion by Eugene Loftin, Seconded by Hugh Dubose the following resolution was offered.

Resolution No. 04-07

Whereas, the Beauregard Regional Airport, Beauregard Parish Airport District #1 has completed an FAA and LaDOTD approved Master Plan/Airport Layout Plan which outlines specific future developments, and

Whereas, funds have already been requested for a portion of these future developments as follows:

Engineering – Only for the Construction of Taxiway “A,” Phase II

AIP # 3-22-0015-012-2007

Now Therefore Be It Resolved that Mr. Hollis Ray O’Neal, Chairman of Beauregard Parish Airport District #1, is hereby authorized to sign all documents, contracts, and agreements pertaining to the aforementioned projects including the Federal grant agreement and the City-State agreement.

The aforesaid resolution having been submitted to a vote was unanimously approved. The votes thereon was as follows:

Yeas: Eugene Loftin, Hugh Dubose, Hollis Ray O’Neal, Wayne Hall, R.M. Simmons, and Elton Pickering.

Nays: None

Absent: Karl St. Romain

Whereupon, the resolution was declared adopted on  August 2, 2007.

I, John B. Jones, III Administrative Manager of the Beauregard Parish Airport District #1, Parish of Beauregard, State of Louisiana, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners in Regular Session on August 2, 2007. GIVEN UNDER MY OFFICIAL SIGNATURE AND SEAL this 2nd day of August, 2007.

John B. Jones, III Administrative Manager

Beauregard Parish Airport District 1

There being no further business to come before the board Mr. DuBose made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Loftin seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.

Hollis Ray O’Neal, Chairman

Elton Pickering, Secretary/Treasurer