The Beauregard Parish Airport District met in Regular Session on Thursday, June 7, 2007 at 5:00 P.M. The following board members were present: Hollis Ray O’Neal, Chairman; R.M. Simmons, Wayne Hall and Hugh DuBose. Absent were Elton Pickering and Karl St. Romain. Also present: John B. Jones, III, Airport Manager.

Mr. O’Neal opened the meeting by giving the invocation and then welcomed everyone to the June meeting of the Beauregard Regional Airport Board.

He then asked it there were any amendments to the agenda. Mr. Jones, Airport Manager, said that he had two items to add. The first was a recommendation by the auditor to change the airport depreciation level. The second was a request to change the dates of the July and October board meetings. There were no other requests to amend the agenda. A motion was made by Mr. Hall to approve the amended agenda. Mr. Simmons offered the second and the motion was unanimously approced. The depreciation change was added as Item 5 and the meeting changes were added as Item 6.

The next item was approval of the minutes. Mr. O’Neal asked if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes. There were none. A motion was made by Mr. Simmons to approve the minutes as written and mailed. Mr. DuBose seconded the motion which was then unanimously approved.

Mr. O’Neal then asked Mr. Jones to address the Depreciation level change. Mr. Jones told the members that at the present time all items over $1,000.00 were added to the depreciation schedule and were then subject to depreciation. He reminded the board that depreciation at the airport had always been extremely high due to fixed assets. He said that the Legislative Autitor was now recommending that the level be raised so that only items over $5,000.00 be on the depreciation schedule. This would be an advantage to the airport and was also being recommended by Mr. Windham, Airport Auditor. A motion was made by Mr. Simmons and seconded by Mr. Hall to raise the depreciation level to $5,000.00. The motion was unanimously approved.

The next item was a request to change the July meeting date from Thursday July 5, 2007 to Thursday July 12, 2007 and to change the October meeting date from Thursday October 4, 2007 to Thursday October 11, 2007. The reason for the changes were that Mr. O’Neal would be out of town on July5 and Mr. Jones would be out of town on October 4. A motion was made by Mr. DuBose to change the meeting dates as requested. The second was offered by Mr. Hall and the motion was unanimously approved.

The next item was a report on Airport Projects. Mr. Jones brought the member up to date on developments since the last meeting regarding construction of Taxiway A. He reminded the board that at the bid opening there was only one valid bid received. The bid was far higher than the estimate for the entire project. Since the meeting the state and  FAA had been notified of the bid results and a recommendation had been submitted to accept the bid. The FAA had responded and did not agree with the recommendation due to the excess costs and because only one bid had been received. Therefore the project would have to wait until next year. The airport could submit an applicaton for funds already spent and receive reimbursement for those. There was a lengthy discussion. A motion was then made by Mr. Hall and seconded by Mr. Simmons to reject all bids for Construction of Taxiway A – Phase II. The motion was unanimously approved.

The last item of business was a discussion on obtaining an appraised value for certain parcels of airport property. Mr. Jones siad that leasing procedures require the airport to lease land for fair market value. However, there have been no recent appraisals and it is difficult to determine Fair Market Value. After a lengthy discussion, the Airport Manager was asked to make contacts and see if a definition could be obtained for Fair Market Value. Once that was done the airport might be able to arrie at and set leasing rates for various pieces of airport property.

There being no further business, a motion was made by Mr. DuBose to adjourn. Mr. Hall offered the second and the motin was unanimously approved.

Hollis Ray O’Neal, Chairman

Elton Pickering, Secretary/Treasurer