The Beauregard Parish Airport District Board met in Regular Session on Thursday, April 1, 2004 at 5:00 P.M. The following board members were present: Hollis Ray O’Neal, Chairman; Elton Pickering, Secretary/Treasurer; Karl St. Romain, R.M. Simmons and Eugene Loftin. Those absent were: Wayne Hall. Also present were: John B. Jones, III, Airport Manager; Lee Lancon, Engineer; Mike Harper, Police Juror and Jody Campbell.

The meeting was opened by Mr. O’Neal who gave the invocation. He then welcomed all those present to the April 2004 Airport District Board meeting.

Mr. O’Neal then asked if there were any amendments to the agenda. There were none.

The chairman then asked if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes. There being no corrections or additions, a motion was made by Mr. Pickering to accept the minutes as written and mailed. Mr. Simmons offered the second to the motion which passed unanimously.

Mr. O’Neal then asked the Airport Manager, Mr. Jones, to address the next agenda item which pertained to proposed legislation. Mr. Jones explained that Senator Gerald Theunisson was proposing legislation concerning unmarked towers. Proposed Senate Bill No. 13 would require that anyone constructing a “wireless communication facility” taller than 100’ notify by letter any airport within 3 miles of the facility and also the Louisiana Agricultural Aviation Association. The legislation’s purpose is to address safety concerns arising out of the rapid increase in communication towers. Mr. Jones told the board members that LAMA was supporting the bill and requesting support from the airport. After a short discussion a motion was made by Mr. Loftin, seconded by Mr. Simmons to support the legislation and to send letters to the legislative delegation requesting their favorable vote on Senate Bill No. 13. The motion unanimously passed.

The next item of business was a report on airport projects. Mr. O’Neal recognized Mr. Lee Lancon, Engineering Consultant, to give the project report. Mr. Lancon told the board the project to construct taxiway A & B was on schedule and was set to begin on May 1, 2004. Mr. Lancon said that the FAA had increased the grant amount by $138,794.00 which would provide the necessary funding for Alternate #1 as well as the base bid on the project.

Mr. Lancon then turned to the project for construction of Taxiway E. He said there had been a meeting here at the airport with Mr. Saupp from the FAA and Mr. Slater from the Aviation Division, LaDOTD. The FAA has awarded a grant of 200,000.00 for this project and the State has requested $10,526.00 from the legislature. Since the estimated cost of constructing Taxiway E is in excess of $600,000, the recommendation is to utilize the present funding of $210,526.00 for design and engineering. Then apply for the remainder next year which would be for the actual construction. After a brief discussion a motion was made by Mr. Simmons, seconded by Mr. Loftin to approve and authorize the usage of the present funding for Design and Engineering of Taxiway E. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. O’Neal then recognized Mr. Jody Campbell and asked him to update the board on the Memorial Day week-end activities. Mr. Campbell updated the board on the current status of the May 29, 2004 ceremonies dedicating the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. Current plans are to broadcast, locally, the live program from Washington, D.C. using a large screen TV. He said that contact was being made with the various service organizations, the Louisiana National Guard, Ft. Polk, and Vintage Aircraft owners.

When asked about registering World War II veterans for possible personal recording sessions, Mr. Campbell said they did intend to have such a registration. Hopefully this would identify those who may have personal experiences to record for historical purposes.

Mr. Jones then reminded the board members that the LAMA Conference would be in Houma, La on May 9-12. He encouraged attendance and asked who would be able to go. Mr. Simmons pointed out how important it was to attend these functions. He said it was obvious at the legislative meetings he had attended that the board member presence was noted and recognized. Mr. Jones, Mr. Pickering, and Mr. St. Romain indicated they would attend two days. Mr. O’Neal and Mr. Simmons would attend one day.

Mr. O’Neal then announced, with deep personal regret, the resignation of Mr. John Sandlin from the board. All the board members present voiced their own personal regrets. Each felt that the resignation of Mr. Sandlin would not only be a loss to the board but a personal loss as well.

There being no more business, a motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Pickering and seconded by Mr. St. Romain. The motion passed unanimously.

Hollis Ray O’Neal, Chairman

Elton Pickering, Secretary/Treasurer