The Beauregard Parish Airport District met in Regular Session on Thursday, November 2, 2006 at 5:00 P.M. The following board members were present: Hollis Ray O’Neal, Chairman; R.M. Simmons, Wayne Hall, Hugh DuBose and Karl St. Romain. Absent were: Elton Pickering, Secretary/Treasurer and Eugene Loftin. Also present John B. Jones, III, Airport Manager and Lee Lancon, Engineering Consultant.

Mr. O’Neal opened the meeting by asking Mr. St. Romain to give the invocation. He then welcomed those present to the November board meeting of the airport board.

Mr. O’Neal then asked if there were any amendments to the agenda. Mr. Jones replied that he had one request. That was a report by Mr. Lancon on Taxiway A Completion—Phase II. There were no other requests. A motion was made by Mr. Hall to amend the agenda as requested. Mr. Simmons offered the second and the motion was unanimously approved. The report by Mr. Lancon was added as Item B under Grounds and Maintenance.

Mr. O’Neal then moved on the approval of the minutes of October 5, 2006 Board Meeting. He asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes. There were none. A motion was made by Mr. Simmons, seconded by Mr. DuBose to approve the minutes as written and mailed. The motion was unanimously approved.

The next item was the adoption of an amended budget for 2006 and a budget for 2007. Mr. O’Neal asked Mr. Jones to brief the board on the budgets. Mr. Jones explained that at the end of the year it was necessary to amend the current budget to bring the budget in line with actual revenues and expenditures. Hopefully, this would help provide a more realistic end of the year document. The shown projected 2006 year and balance of $89,571 will be the carry-over balance into 2007. Mr. Jones emphasized that there can be changes before year end due to unforeseen occurrences. Fuel purchases can easily change the year end balance. For example, should fuel sales increase and require an additional order it will create a significant change since a load of fuel costs in excess of $20,000.

Mr. Jones then moved to the 2007 projected budget. Mr. Jones said that the 2007 budget was based mainly on historical revenue and expense figures with special attention to the previous years figures. He told the board that he did expect to amend the 2007 budget since the airport was expecting a grant to complete Taxiway A. It was not in the present budget because no actual grant agreement has been signed. Hopefully this would be finalized in the spring and then an amendment would follow. He did point out that a 3% salary increase had been put in the budget. Approval of the budget would approve the salary increase. There was a brief discussion. Following the discussion Mr. Hall made a motion to approve the 2006 amended Budget and the 2007 Fiscal Year Budget. Mr. Simmons seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.

Mr. O’Neal then introduced Mr. Lee Lancon, Consultant Engineer to discuss the lighting vault emergency generator installation quotes. Mr. Lancon said that three quotes had been submitted to the Airport Manager as follows:

Dollar Electric $44,300.00

Kaogh & Jones Electric $43,834.00

Cox Electric $16,000.00

Mr. Lancon said he had talked to the low bid holder, Cox Electric, and that he was satisfied with his bid. However, the state grant agreement only allows $10,000 for installation so even the low bid of $16,000 is over the state allowance. Mr. Lancon explained that this did not prevent acceptance, it just meant the difference of $6,000 would be the airport’s responsibility. There was a lengthy discussion among the board members. It was then agreed that Mr. Lancon would try to obtain additional quotes that would not exceed the state allowances.

The next item was completion of Taxiway A—Phase II. Mr. Jones read a letter received from the FAA, Southwest Region, identifying the airport as a candidate to receive funds for the Referenced project. Included in the letter was a request for certain information needed prior to November 15, 2006. Mr. Jones then turned the floor over to Mr. Lancon. Mr. Lancon said he had received the letter and had the requested information almost ready for submittal to the FAA. He reviewed the scope of work, schedule, and revised cost estimate with the board. The estimated revised cost for the project is now $653,542. He presented an engineering service agreement for the approval of the board. Mr. Jones told the board that an Independent Engineering Cost analyses was required and he would request the analyses from Denmond Engineering in Monroe. There was a lengthy discussion between the board and Mr. Lancon. Mr. Hall then made a motion to approve the Engineering Service agreement and authorize the chairman to sign it, conditioned on receipt of a positive response from the independent engineering analyses. Mr. DuBose offered the second. The motion was unanimously approved.

There being no further business, Mr. St. Romain made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Mr. DuBose and unanimously approved.

Hollis Ray O’Neal, Chairman

Elton Pickering, Secretary/Treasurer